Common Birds in Missouri

Eastern Bluebird

The Eastern bluebird is the state bird of Missouri. They are territorial birds when the breeding season comes around. They have plump, short bodies with straight bills. Males have a bright blue upper body, while females are a gray-blue color. They have a blurry whistled song that is recognizable by most Missourians.

a bird image

Northern Cardinal

The northern cardinal has made an impact on the state of Missouri. It is the mascot of the professional baseball team in St. Louis, Missouri. The northern cardinal is one of the most recognizable birds because of its bright red color and crest on its head. Both males and females sing a slurred whistle.

American Goldfinch

The American goldfinch is found across Missouri. The males have bright yellow upper parts and black wings, tails, and foreheads. They have two white wing bars and tail spots. Females have greenish-yellow upper parts and dark tails and wings. They have a song filled with warbles, twitters, and whistles.

White-breasted Nuthatch

The white-breasted nuthatch has bluish-gray upper body parts and a black forehead and nape with white cheeks. They can be recognized in the woods because they tend to climb tree trunks and branches upside down. They have a nasal song that is low-pitched.

Blue Jay

Blue Jay are large songbirds with blue upperparts and white underparts. They are recognizable by the blue crest on top of their head. Depending on the bird’s mood the crest will be raised or lowered. The blue jay’s strong bill and feet are jet black. Their voice ranges from a soft murmur to a scream.

The most common things that birds eat:

Birds perform vital functions

  1. Pollinate plants
  2. Spread seeds
  3. Serve as food for mammalian predators
Bird Nature

Created by- Hanna Meza Duran ©